Friday, August 30, 2013

Catch them.

Moments. They pass so fast.

I remember when I was little I told myself that I would remember every moment of my life.
At that point and time I had no idea how vast time was. How each second slips as it happens.
It is our responsibility to catch those moments, before they're gone. To cherish, and hold close. Now I know there are memories. But with time, they lose their clarity.
These are the moments that shape the rest our lives.
I just want to really encourage everyone, to preserve what they can, to the best of their ability.
Those precious little toes. Kisses that warm you to the bone. Hands that ardently cling to yours, searching guidance. Adoring glances.
Make those moments more than memorable. Make them palpable.

I want to open up a bit about what has provoked me to share this. Our family was just recently dealt the news that there would be a huge change in my husband's career.
I can only pray for safe travels, and never take life or it's precious moments for granted.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures that have been in our family-

                                                My Great Great Grandma and Grandpa
This picture of my mom and dad
was taken while I was in the hospital on their homecoming night. See the flowers in the background? It was the first night  my mother left my side after I'd been there for 3 weeks. My sister was conceived that night. Two days later I was transported to Morgantown hospital where I received my 4th and final surgery. Two weeks after that, I was fully recovered and sent home.  My mom and dad were all of 17 years old.
My mother, pregnant with my sister, and I

My mamaw, me and my sister
                                                 My love and I  -Photo by Sarah Faison
                                                 Pregnant with Jack - Photo by Sarah Faison
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I offer portrait shoots for only $60! I would be honored to  help you preserve moments that should last forever!

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